Web Consulting

Web Consulting

For any web project, great or small!

The Campus Web Services team is made up of designers, developers and analysts. We are routinely involved in web-based projects that involve all levels of University Information Technology Services (UITS) as well as spanning the rest of the University's marketing, design and development teams.

If you are at any stage of a web-based project and have a question that you aren't sure who to ask, ask us! We are committed to sharing our knowledge, networks and know-how to help any group on campus have a high-quality website that helps them meet their goals.

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Here are some examples of questions we like to answer

Non-technical/getting started

  • I need a website. Where do I start?
  • What resources are available at the University?

Site Builder

  • How do I add a feature to my Arizona Site?
  • How do I accomplish X with what's available?

Developer (even if not CWS client)

  • How do I extend the functionality of my Quickstart website?
  • How would Quickstart work for my use case?
  • What are the best practices for creating custom modules for my website?
  • How can I contribute my custom module to Quickstart?
  • My application has a web component, what's the best architecture to integrate it?
  • Can I get my code reviewed for security and performance?


  • What's the best way to host a Quickstart website given our stack?
  • What are best practices for CI/CD pipelines?

Have a Question?

Need consultation, training or help with your site?  

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